Friday, May 16, 2008

Guidlines for the Barometer

The more we get together the happier are we!

We've had some very positive responses to the Barfuss Barometer Blog. It is our goal to make it fun and simple. Those who are listed as "Authors" can contribute a "Post" to the blog. Those who are not yet "Authors" can still contribute by clicking on "comments".

To become an Author you will need to set up a google account (doesn't cost anything) then if your name doesn't appear as an "Author" let Grandma know and she will invite you to become an "Author". She already sent in the e-mail addresses of most of you so you should all be able to contribute (if you want to). If you would rather not be an "Author" let grandma know and she will delete your invitation.

We will not set any deadlines, or rules about how long your post is or how many pictures you can contribute. Write things that will keep the family updated on what is happening in your family's life--include pictures, thoughts and feelings as well as "what happened".

Some of you have personal blogs. If you would like, we will put links on the Barometer Blog to your blog. Let grandma know if that is okay.

We look forward to keeping in touch as we utilize technology in a very positive way.

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