Monday, November 12, 2012

The Holidays

The first big snowstorm has come,
the mall is decorated for Christmas
and Thanksgiving is next week....
Guess it's time to get serious about dates for
upcoming holiday events

The traditional Wilfardo/Wilfy Christmas Party
will be Saturday December 22, 2012
at noon for lunch
at Grandma and Grandpa Barfuss'
Jodie and Stacie will figure out the gift exchange
for the Wilfardo's 
Jessica and Andrea will figure out 
the book exchange for the Wilfy's
(Did you realize that there are now 26 Wilfy's
with three more on the way!)
We'll have the traditional program
so practice up on your instruments and singing
to share with your cousins.
And don't forget your stocking filled with 
goodies and trinkets from Grandpa Barfuss!

We usually hold the adult Wilfardo Party
after Christmas and everyone is back to normal...
(whatever that is)
so we'd like your input on a date
and time for this event.
There are new babies, new jobs, new schools etc. so...
let Grandma know
what you are thinking about the following dates
Friday or Saturday December 28th or 29th
Friday or Saturday January 4th or 5th
or...skip it this year

My niece recently posted the following on Facebook...
"Cousins are usually the first friends we have as children.
No one will ever understand your crazy family
like your cousins do
even if you haven't talked too much lately!"

Please reply to this e-mail to let us know
what you are thinking
and then we can plan from there.

The "Sibling and Spouse activity" was held in May
when we all flew down to California
for Nate and Emily's wedding....

of course that doesn't mean we can't get together again
and go out to dinner together sometime
when Stacie and Kevin are in town...
Just need to know when they are coming!
Getting together with family
is what the holidays are all about.
We look forward to being with you soon!

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