Wednesday, May 25, 2011

FHE Work Party...Great Success!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping us get our yard
spiffed up for spring!
We could not have done it without you!
It is so great to have everything in the yard done at once.
Marv and Mary Ellen would never have
gotten that old tree down without Andy's persistence
The old fence is gone and a new one is in it's place.

Everyone pitched in with full energy!
Even the neighbors got in the act.
The rain held off with just a drizzle.
The little kids helped too and enjoyed a skittle break
Natalie and Kimmy prepared a cute FHE lesson
on service that was so appropriate for the occassion.
The 30 ft. dumpster was filled to the top when they
picked it up today.
(there was room for neighbors to get rid of junk too)

Tasks were done that have been waiting for years.
After so much hard work everyone was ready for
sloppy Joe's and salad.
Thanks again for all your help!
We love you!

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