Saturday, May 9, 2009

Kandis's Mission has begun!

Wednesday May 6, 2009---Kandis's Mission begins today! She is excited to get ready to
enter the MTC!
We enjoyed a special "Family Home Morning" where Kevin, Kandis' Stake President, set her apart as a Missionary.
Jake, Kandis and Courtney blended their voices together in a musical testimony.
Each member of the Lythgoe family, as well as Grandpa and Grandma Barfuss and Grandpa and Grandma Lythgoe, bore sweet testimonies and shared favorite missionary scriptures.
The Spirit was strong and grateful tears were shed
as Kandis commits the next 18 months to the Lord.
We are so proud of her!

The Lythgoe Siblings enjoyed a group hug as the meeting concluded.

Everyone is ready to travel to the Provo MTC.

Bye Kandis--We love you!
Kandis' addresses:
Sister Kandis Lythgoe (Until Juy 7th)
MTC Mailbox #179
NY-NYCN 0707
2005 N. 900 East
Provo, UT 84604-1793
(After July 7th)
Sister Kandis Lythgoe
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road STE 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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