Friday, August 29, 2008

Have you seen this face before?

Zoe and Andy seemed to have a special friendship going on at the Bear Lake Reunion. Andy can't resist a pretty face!

It was just a few short years ago when Andy returned from his mission in Japan. He couldn't resist that pretty face then either! Zoe is the spittin' image of her mommy!


Jenn said...

That is one of the cutest things I have ever seen!

Erica said...

WOW...I knew Jessica and Zoe looked alike, but that is just unreal! And Andy looks the same now as he did back then ;o)

Liz B said...

Ha ha those are some great pictures! I never would have guessed there was a 60 year time difference between the two! ;)

Nick said...

Hey, hey, hey! Are you tryin' to say I'm 60 years old??? ;-) Thanks, Grandma, for posting these!

Nick said...

oops! and this is Jessica, not Nick. Don't know why it is posting under his name...